(Photo: Megan, Chris, and Izzy at Abbey Castle) |
Although this trip was spontaneous and never properly planned, I knew of one stop I'd make since day one, visiting my friend Megan from Indiana, her husband Chris from England, and the new addition to their family, Izzy. What I didn't know when I left four months ago, was just how much I'd love being with someone from back home again, a familiar face who comes from the same place, knows some of the same people, gets my American references, and understands my cravings for American food.
(Photo: Izzy) |
In addition to them taking me to their favorite restaurants, for the six days I stayed with them, Megan cooked anything I was craving. She even made buttermilk biscuits, something that is sadly missing from the British Isles.
(Photo: Meg and Izzy from atop Abbey Castle) |
The following Sunday, we went to Chris's parents house for lunch. I loved everything about it, his English family, the traditional English meal, a roast with potatoes, gravy, Yorkshire pudding and spotted dick covered in custard for dessert (It's a thing, look it up).
With their English accents, dialect, and slang, I could have sat back and listened to their conversation for hours, which at one point got onto the subject of the Rosetta spacecraft's comet and the comet's size relative to Borg cubes.
(Photo: Me, Chris's mum and dad, Chris's sister Caroline,
Meg, Izzy, and approximately 20% of Chris's head) |
I actually didn't expect to stay much longer than the weekend, but when asked if I would be staying until Tuesday, so I could go with them to their favorite chippy (fish 'n' chips shop), I couldn't pass up another opportunity to spend time with this family.
Thank you all for everything. This was the highlight of all my time in England.