Friday, October 12, 2012

John Muir Trail Photos, Day 14: Taboose and Pinchot Passes

I pulled out my camera right before crossing over Pinchot Pass. What will be on the other side? I wanted to remember the moment, those seconds between not knowing and knowing. While backpacking, that transition is always good and exciting. What will be on the other side? On the trail, knowing is always better. That's yet another reason it's so hard to return to a normal life, where I have been reminded that sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Taboose Pass
A great sky over Taboose Pass
Lake Marjorie
Heading up Pinchot Pass
North side of Pinchot Pass
The Other Side of Pinchot
Red Rocks
Hiking Along Woods Creek
Woods Creek

Creative Commons License
A Backpacker's Life List by Ryan Grayson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.