Sunday, November 27, 2011

Hump Mountain

Yesterday was a good day. The views from Hump Mountain and Little Hump Mountain were spectacular, the weather as pleasant as you could hope for in late November, my home last night was an old barn in Yellow Mountain Gap, and someone gave me a free turkey sandwich. A good day indeed, since any one of those things would have made it a good day.

Also, I passed the 1,800 mile mark, which seems like a lot for some reason. I only have 380 miles to go and just about three weeks left. If you're wondering if I'm excited to be nearly done, the answer is no, not really.

I saw in a registry that Red was only three days ahead of me. He was fifteen ahead two months ago, so I'm confident I can catch up. We got separated in mid-August, but we may get to Springer at the same time afterall.